In a devastating turn of events, Will Smith, the beloved actor known for his roles in The Pursuit of Happyness and Men in Black, has...
A raging wildfire in Los Angeles’ Pacific Palisades has left unimaginable destruction in its wake, including the loss of Jay-Z and Beyoncé’s $200 million mega-mansion,...
The 2025 season is shaping up to be the year of America’s star player Coco Gauff. With a stellar performance at the ongoing United Cup,...
Serena Williams’ husband Alexis Ohanian featured in British author and life coach Jay Shetty’s podcast On Purpose on December 16, 2024. In the 1...
Jennifer Lopez is showing she’s unfazed after her dramatic split from Ben Affleck. The “I’m Real” singer returned to social media after filing for divorce...
American tennis pro Serena Williams’s 2-year-old daughter, Olympia, was seen dressed up as a bubbly flower at a wedding. She looked adorable in her pink...
Williams and Ohanian met for the first time in May 2015 over breakfast in Rome. The two were seated next to each other, a coincidence...
Team USA is making history in the pool — and on the podium — on day two of the Tokyo Olympics. USA Swimming got...
Serena Williams shared an emotional message about the devastating Los Angeles wildfires, saying she was heartbroken. She sent her prayers and support to her family,...
Jennifer Lopez is an example of resilience and shows the world that problems can be faced with a good attitude. She shines everywhere she goes...