Iconic actress and talk show co-host, Whoopi Goldberg, alongside soccer superstar Megan Rapinoe, declared their intentions to leave America. The overwhelming sentiment behind this unprecedented...
Anyone that has ever watched the ABC trainwreck, otherwise known as “The View,” knows that the “ladies” on the panel aren’t exactly the most warm...
Anyone that has ever watched the ABC trainwreck, otherwise known as “The View,” knows that the “ladies” on the panel aren’t exactly the most warm...
Anyone that has ever watched the ABC trainwreck, otherwise known as “The View,” knows that the “ladies” on the panel aren’t exactly the most warm...
Anyone that has ever watched the ABC trainwreck, otherwise known as “The View,” knows that the “ladies” on the panel aren’t exactly the most warm...
ABC refused to renew contracts for Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar for “The View” in March 2024 because they were “toxic.” On March 15,...
Anyone that has ever watched the ABC trainwreck, otherwise known as “The View,” knows that the “ladies” on the panel aren’t exactly the most warm...
In a bold and controversial move, Kid Rock has made headlines once again, this time for refusing to apologize for a drunken rant where he...
ABC refused to renew contracts for Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar for “The View” in March 2024 because they were “toxic.” On March 15,...
Anyone that has ever watched the ABC trainwreck, otherwise known as “The View,” knows that the “ladies” on the panel aren’t exactly the most warm...