In a move that has sent shockwaves through both the British royal family and the public, Meghan Markle is reportedly considering legal action against the...
Simon Dorante-Day, an Australian living in Queensland but originally from Britain, is trying hard to establish his royal ancestry. Simon Dorante-Day had earlier stated...
Simon Dorante-Day, an Australian living in Queensland but originally from Britain, is trying hard to establish his royal ancestry. Simon Dorante-Day had earlier stated...
King Charles of England is reportedly suffering from a serious health condition, which is believed to be cancer. Unfortunately, his time is limited, and he...
Just of recent, the Prince of Wales, 41, posted a tribute to Welsh rugby legend JPR Williams, who died on Monday at age 74. ...
Prince William’s recent move to eliminate Queen Camilla’s sister Annabel Elliot from the royal payroll should have been the first sign that things were amiss...
Princess Anne has made a rare comment about Camilla’s reign as queen in a new BBC documentary examining King Charles’s first year as monarch. ...
Since ascending to the throne, King Charles has relied on the support of his heir, Prince William, though their relationship has had its challenges. ...
Captain Ian Farquhar, who was a close friend of the king, has died. He was 78 years old. Ian had known the King and...